Neum AI provides a managed cloud enviornment to run and manage your pipelines. It offers capabilities like pipeline management, run scheduling, automatic synchronization as well as a high scale distributed architecture to run large jobs. Learn more about the difference between Local and Cloud enviornments for Neum AI.

Prerequisite: Make sure you have already configured you Neum AI pipeline in our quickstart.
You will need a Neum AI API Key. Get one by going to and creating an account. It’s free!

Test pipeline locally

Before we deploy the pipeline to Neum AI Cloud, lets run a quick local test to make sure things are working as expected.



Run a local validation of the pipeline

Local validation
print("Pipeline validation successful? " + pipeline.validate())

Test pipeline

Run a test to make sure the pipeline runs smoothly end to end

Local run
result =
info =
print("Vectors written in pipeline run: " + result) 

Test search

Finally, lets test the stored vectors

Local search
results ="What are the challenges with scaling RAG?", number_of_results=3)

for result in results:

Deploy pipeline to Neum AI Cloud

To deploy the pipeline, we will leverage the built-in functions.

You will need a Neum AI API Key. Get one by going to and creating an account.
Deploy to cloud
from neumai.Client.NeumClient import NeumClient

neumClient = NeumClient(api_key = '<INSERT NEUMAI API KEY>')

Once deployed, you can go to Neum AI Cloud dashboard to see the status and pipeline information. Alternatively, you can programmatically query:

Get pipeline information

Deploy to cloud
from neumai.Client.NeumClient import NeumClient

neumClient = NeumClient(api_key = '<INSERT NEUMAI API KEY>')
neumClient.get_pipeline(pipeline_id='<pipeline_id from above>')

Search pipeline

Deploy to cloud
from neumai.Client.NeumClient import NeumClient

neumClient = NeumClient(api_key = '<INSERT NEUMAI API KEY>')
neumClient.search_pipeline(pipeline_id='<pipeline_id from above>', query=<search query>)

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